Offensive:Adult: Very Likely | Racy: Very Likely Labels: text | human face | model | magazine | thigh | undergarment | woman | stomach | chest | brassiere | person | screenshot OCR: PLAY Y BankQUE kaI anokanuntoUJE! H Star Enñas 2001 EBENiva nanavtwviou +27 otny npwith this yuuvn owtoypaonon oERICEs summer look Anaywyn oto jet set Evo 60. fluxpa Vio tov Ittoavo ADywviko Mapiva Kotavisou To kapito: tns -npizas- DE DOOVILO NAEKIPOOOK LUVÉVTEUEn Avoptas AoBEpoos Nlup atn Mukave Dias unnkt quilar Makns Zouyaves aKoua forvs pou to TEpas toutvon oss Indto H Eniotpoń Twv Playboys He cabrio, EaveEs, PIBIEpa KaI XNIÕES